Sunday, April 19, 2009


This is my first short, short, short story. My attempt to reconnect with the writing world.


Kara sat on the bed and gazed through the second floor window. Her hands were covered in stale, orange paint. She could see the grass swelling as the sun stared straight into the blades. They received no mercy. Kara smelled a burnt frying pan along with last night’s longing stench of puke and weed. Turning her eyes to her toes where her sleeping cat lay, mouth open, legs spread, unconscious to it’s surroundings, the young woman noticed a half empty beer bottle on the foot of her bed. As she reached towards the brown, translucent bottle, she could feel gravity pushing at every bone and muscle in her scrawny body.
“Got it.” She stated to the feline, with a smirk, as if the furry thing cared. Swig, drag, swig. Kara stood and threw an extra large t-shirt over her arms, passed her head and pulled the bottom hem down until her shoulders could bear the weight. She loved the feeling of sticky air tunneling through the neck hole, gliding down her stomach and onto her legs. As humid as it was, it was a relief none-the-less.
Walking into the kitchen, Kara saw a man with dark sunglasses on and only wearing blue striped boxers frying bacon. He didn’t seem to notice the smoldering specks of grease hitting his chest and arms.
“Morning.” She muttered, receiving no reply. Kara felt a splatter of grease hit her hand as she scratched her scalp and pushed her cherry hair out of her eyes. She paid no mind, stepped over more animals of the feline type and out the door, rolling into the back yard. Mouth open, eyes closed, grabbing grass at her sides, Kara’s mind disappeared.
Picture a princess on a horse, a brown horse with white spots on his tale and mane. The princess rode through an open field full of yellow daisies. Trees, hills, nothing in sight, nothing but the yellow flowers speckled with the green of the grass. The sky is orange, just shades of orange. Suddenly a frog appeared. He was as big as a full grown weeping willow. The horse laid onto the ground, succumbing to the monstrous creature.
“You must be calm, my young princess.” His voice, unexpectingly quiet, “ The time will come when you will reach great heights. You must be calm.”
Letting go of the green ground, Kara sank back into her head and opened her eyes. She glided back inside of the house and to the bathroom. She turned on the water as hot as it could go in the shower.


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